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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  December 1, 2019 10:00am-11:00am PST

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digs deep, i will see you tomorrow at "fox & friends", the news continues. ♪ ♪ eric: the house judiciary drafting articles of impeachment and will hold first hearing next week on wednesday, president trump must say by 6:00 p.m. tonight whether he and his counsel will take part in the hearings. welcome to america's news headquarters i'm eric sean. arthel: i'm arthel neville, before judiciary committing begins on wednesday, house intelligence committee will vote on its report, committee members to review a draft of the report tomorrow and we will two molly
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hemmingworth. molly. >> review draft tomorrow, vote on it tuesday, house intelligence committee that is, hand the report over to house judiciary committee which could draft any articles of impeachment, so far, however, doesn't appear that the democrats' efforts are working to bring republicans on their side on impeachment. >> i have been extremely troubled and disappointed by behavior of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, but their refusal to hold this president accountable and to clear i will go into their partisan corner and protect this president at any and all costs is troubling to me and i believe it's troubling to the american people. >> the judiciary committee is expected to start on wednesday with four legal expertise cousinning whether this case rises to the -- 3 of the legal
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experts support impeachment and only one does not, republican congressman doug collins, top republican says the first person to testify is democratic congressman adam schiff, collins wants schiff to answer questions from democrats and be cross-examined by republicans. >> he needs to be, he's put himself into that position, if he choses not to, i really question his veracity and what he's putting in his report, i question the motive of why he's doing it, it's easy to hide behind the report and gavel and behind-closed door hearings and another thing to answer questions about what his staff knew. >> democrats who controlled the house and all of the committees have signaled that they want to wrap this up by christmas before the 2020 election season really ramps up.
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arthel and eric. arthel: all right, molly hemmigberg, thank you. eric: david, as we heard the committee members get a draft tomorrow in intelligence and vote on tuesday and judiciary start on wednesday, what do you predict? >> i suspect that's the way it'll rule out, i suspect that the house intelligence committee report will be quite critical of president trump and they will recommend articles of impeachment, i think house judiciary committee will call witnesses on wednesday that will agree with the assessment and start developing articles of impeachment if they haven't started already. eric: it's no surprise, do you think that we will find out on wednesday which direction they are exactly going on this? >> i would think so, that's one of the big question, is how many articles of impeachment will there be, how will the democrats try to approach this, it's -- i know what the white house talking to attorneys over there, they fully expect one article to
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alleged bribery against the president, there may also be abuse of -- abuse of power charge, they may also accuse the white house of obstructing justice by not allowing people to testify before the house, no one really knows, the democrats aren't saying how many articles of impeachment they'll be. eric: set the basis, bribery and obstruction of justice, doug collins are complaining republicans are saying they want their own experts too. isn't that against them? >> i would think so, chairman nadler of the judiciary committee whether they want their own witnesses to testify or whether the white house will participate in the hearing, representative collins the republicans may want to call witnesses of their own, not sure how they will play it, the white house isn't going to want to
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participate on wednesday because they feel it's a stacked hearing, we will have to see. eric: do you think president trump will eventually testify, they have now until friday to come forward, he's someone -- he fights back, do you think he would actually throw out a gauntlet not just have the lawyers there eventually or maybe in a senate trial? >> he says he would like to be sitting, i find it highly unlikely and also asked hearings december 9th, starting a week from tomorrow and those will be witnesses in terms ofism peachment -- impeachment inquiry, i find it highly unlikely, aides and attorneys are strongly advising not to do that, it's a trap, unfair process and he doesn't want to be a part of it, i would -- i have to tell you i would be totally shocked if president trump testified in this thing. eric: we are is stephanie grisham says about proceedings,
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white house is currently reviewing chairman nadler's letter but what is obvious to every american the letter comes with illegitimate sham partisan process, the president has done nothing wrong and the democrats know it, well, the democrats would take issue with that, how do you think they would respond? >> they will continue to accuse the white house of obstructing justice by not -- not participating, not allowing their people to testify and things of this nature, yeah, that's the response we will get from the white house, in fact, there's more activity for them preparing for possible senate trial than house hearing. eric: sean with the chicago tribune noted this in column, new polls show democrats have lost all the important independent voters who are swingly sharping against impeachment and more bad news, former fbi official under criminal investigation for tampering with evidence that allowed the obama administration to seek secret fisa court approval to spy on members to
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have trump campaign, the reported justice department inspector general michael horowitz expected in early december, man, oh man, that would be a counternarrative that will collide with the democrats' narrative, how do you see when report will be dropped in the middle of this thing? >> part of the strategy has been to attack the impeachment inquiry as illegitimate and they are going back to russia investigation, the beginning of the trump administration, as you mentioned the justice department soon doing origins of russia investigation, the white house thinks the report will be critical to the white house, you can expect them to add that to indictment if you will of the entire process and that's their excuse for not participating. eric: while this is going on, the president going off to london this week to celebrate and mark nato 70th anniversary and also has meeting with queen and taking bill clinton's
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advice, continue with your duties, continue with what you've sworn to, the duties of the office of the presidency of the united states. >> that's exactly right, he's added some things to his schedule for december and that's one of the main reasons, she wants to show to the world that he's working while democrats are too busy pursuing improper impeachment, he tweeted about this very thing on saturday, he will be in nato while democrats pursue the most ridiculous pursuit in history, you will see a lot in the coming months, trump will be doing events and complaining. eric: that would be the contrast of news cycle as it goes forward, david jackson, good to see you, thanks for joining us. >> thanks, eric. eric: of course, you can keep it right here after newscast, fox news sunday with chris wallace, doug collins, republican side and the democratic side from hakeem jeffress of new york, chris in just about an hour from now right here.
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♪ ♪ arthel: well, democratic presidential candidate joe biden and his wife dr. jill biden second day of no malarki bus tour in iowa, not the only people on campaign trail, ellison barber live in des moines tracking it all us, ellison. >> a lot of candidates trying to make final pushes as we get closer and closer to the caucus here in iowa, for vice president joe biden, that means 8 days in 18 counties, he is and his wife are in carol county, iowa today, they have an official event at lodge behind me but earlier today we saw them make unexpected stop at local coffee shop speaking to voters as well as reporters, this is a county president trump won in 2016, president obama won it in 2008, mitt romney merely won it in 2012, despite mayor pete buttigieg's rise in iowa, polls biden says he's not word about the south bend mayor cutting
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into his support among moderates, at the coffee shop this morning he suggested that now he's where you want to be at the top of the polls, now is where you want to start heading up, he feels good about iowa, we have seen biden talk to voters in iowa and focus on issues like health care and he thinks his plan will benefit people living in rural areas, struggling rural hospitals even as impeachment holds spotlight in dc, we have not seen biden aggressively attacking president trump when he's campaigning in this state instead, a simple consistent approach telling voters that he believes he's the candidate who is most likely to beat president trump in the general election, usually that's sort of where the criticism stops, so you hear them talk about impeachment at the coffee shop this here, he's expected to go inside this event, speak to voters here in carol county and, arthel, two more stops on the official
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stowage make in -- stops in iowa. arthel: ellison, hope you can get inside and take a break. >> thank you. eric: in iowa in december, right, british police have identified the two innocents by terror, both young victims from cambridge university, they were there trying to rehabilitate the former criminal inmates and terrorists including the very suspect who killed them. gillian turner has the latest on this unfolding tragedy from washington. gillian: a tragedy is really is, eric, both victims have been identified by british law enforcement, jones, just 23 year's old and jack merit, 25, killed on suspect who went on stabbing free in london, one of
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the people injured in the attack has returned home and some good news but two others remain in a local hospital in london, they are both in stable condition. now, labor leader germ -- jeremy corbyn making point of 8 attacks in london in the year. >> you can't keep people safe. >> authorities then let him go without a parole and without any parole board assessment as to fitness for release or the status of rehabilitation, now people around the world are crying foul including the country's own crime minister boris johnson. >> obviously it's early days and there's a lot of, investigation that needs to be done, it's clear to me that this guy was
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out, he served half of the sentence, he's out on automatic early release and i have long said that this system simply isn't working. >> the london bridge attacker is one of 3 men who was known to have travel today pakistan to plan to start a terrorist training plan in kashmeer, had copies of al-qaeda english magazine called inspired and planned to send letter bombs to civilians via mail, details about the person and the details intel services tell us will continue to emerge over the coming days, the aftermath of this attack leaving brits, americans and people all across the globe frankly with more questions than ever before about how the criminal justice system is handling terrorists, eric. eric: all right, gillian, thank you. gillian: you bet. arthel: 9 people are dead and 3 injured after a single engine plane crashed in south dakota on
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saturday, it is similar to the one seen here, authorities are not disclosing the victims' name yet but two of the victims were children ranging from 7 to 81, the national transportation safety board will be investigating the cause of that crash. eric: well, we just saw ellison barber reporting from iowa, sample of the severe weather that is heading across the country towards the northeast and, of course, that's just in time to cause serious travel for millions of us who are trying to get home from the holiday weekend, matt finn at the nation's busiest airport, that's o'hare in chicago, at least he's inside, hey, matt. >> yeah, if you're trying get home after thanksgiving, weather might make travel impossible today depending on where you are, i'm at o'hare, we will have cancellations right after this
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[ dramatic music ]ing ] [screams] elliott. you came back!
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arthel: it's that time of the year, wintery weather making across the u.s., storms in california and the midwest -- west. [laughter] arthel: you know why, rick, i was so busy concentrate -- i'm going to lose it, take it away. [laughter] >> you're right, we do have the delays because of the weather out across the west, san francisco, you're experiencing mayor delays, boston as well, this is the storm now across the great lakes and in towards the east coast, you say see the tail-end of the front cutting in panhandle of florida, about to enter georgia coastline and snowy, blizzard conditions yet
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and foot of snow in parts of south dakota, now the energy pulls off towards the east coast here, we are starting to see mixing and snow across interior sections, it will warm up a little bit over the next couple of hours, where we are starting with snow places like new york city, coastal connecticut eventually all becomes rain as temps get into 30's and 40's, rain for a while, up probably towards boston, tomorrow morning's commute from roads to boston to philadelphia and dc it'll be fine, tomorrow's afternoon commute going home will get much colder and we will see the snow and the roads get very slick, tomorrow also going to be a windy day because of that, we will watch for some big delays across the east airports, will continue to pile up through tomorrow and some people might not get home until tuesday or wednesday. arthel: good to see you in the
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lobby. eric: matt finn live at o'hare international airport in chicago where people will have to stock up on chicago hot dogs and the food as they try to wait, hey, matt. >> yeah, eric, we talked to some people who are stranded here and might be stocking up on the hot dogs, right now seems to be okay here, race against the clock, if you will, to get as many flights in now between those -- before those storms that rick just talked about potentially get worse, we want to show you a live look at the arrival and departure, great news, minimal delays, a few cancellations at the hour but things could get progressively worse throughout the day, we spoke to some people, one man arrived from korea, connecting flight canceled and another woman who is not get to go méxico today as planned. >> we booked another flight tonight, yeah. >> another airline? >> yeah. >> we had to stay overnight, no
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more flights to where we are heading to cabos san lucas. >> you're missing a whole day in méxico? how does that feel? >> it's horrible. >> especially on the east coast and new england, we could possibly see many more canceled flights as of last checked, some of the worst delays right now are in san francisco, new york, minneapolis, places like duluth have been buried with know. washington dulles, we have noticed that a lot of people talking about having their connecting flights canceled and seemed like that might be recurring issue throughout the day and we will keep you updated, eric. eric: newark, philadelphia, up in buffalo, lots of problems, so that's what happens, all right, thanks so much, rick. arthel. arthel: while holiday travel season in full swing, holiday shopping season just kicking off, consumers spending
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$7.4 billion on black friday this year that is up 19.6% from 2018 and the good news for those who haven't finished their holiday shopping is that there are more deals to come, yes, tomorrow cybermonday, here to discuss the season's shopping trend pwc partner and small business development leader mitch roschelle, mitch, shoppers expected to spend more this year than last, tell us why? >> look at it, they spent almost 20% more last year, that's the second biggest shopping day, the obviously thing that was bigger was last year's cybermonday, so if the pace continues looks like this cybermonday tomorrow will be huge. arthel: people are shopping online more than they are going to the store and i want to show some stats compareing -- comparing pwc, stats comparing, 58% of those polled shopped in-store versus 42% online, fast-forward to this year, 2019,
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54% shopping online with 46% in the stores, so now looks like cybermonday is even a bigger deal than black friday. >> one of the things that we are talking about during the break how targeted it is, if you have been googling something and you have been thinking about it and talking about something, it might be in instagram feed or twitter feed and it's just right there, you can't not shop because it's right there in your phone. arthel: they make it so easy, you talk about all the people waiting for big deals, do the retailers hit their profit margins and expectations with the online shopping or do they exceed it even? >> black friday sort of goes back to the days where we tails didn't make any money, that's brick and mortar retails, they didn't make any money until the friday, right now it's all of november, a lot of the profit has been spread out, but you look at things like prime day that didn't exist a couple of years ago -- arthel: amazon prime day. >> one of the things happening from retail and profitability perspective because of tariffs,
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they went out and bought a lot of goods because they wanted to get them in their warehouses and eventually on their shelves before the tariffs hit, so they started pushing sales beginning of -- of november even in october trying to move some of the inventory, so from a profitability perspective the whole model has changed quite a bit. arthel: they had front load this year, tell me, this how can small businesses take advantage of this new holiday spending trend, people are online, if you're small business you don't -- you may not have the big infrastructure, you know, on your website. >> you know, scale is everything, if you're the big behemoth, you have to differentiate yourself, buyers are not just buying goods, half of what they're buying is experiences, people buying travel, entertainment, they are buying meals and buying things that they can share with their friends and with their family, by the way, they are also buying stuff for themselves, they're not buying the way you would
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think about something that tangible that you can stuff underneath a tree. arthel: yeah. >> something that's an experience, i think small businesses can play in that experience space. arthel: okay, that's good because we want to keep those mom and pop and independent retailers, you know, fluent. >> being competitive with the big people. arthel: absolutely, have you done all of your shopping? >> i've barely done any of it, i have two kids in college who are probably watching right now because it's about when they get up, so we've been buying stuff, my wife and i along most of which online, i would say we -- we are probably typical of most families which most of it is online and you get the stuff well in advance and you don't have to wait until the last minute so we are creatures of convenience. arthel: nothing wrong with that, mitch roschelle, thank you very much. >> thanks, arthel. arthel: eric. eric: thanks, mitch and arthel, president trump winding down holiday weekend in mar-a-lago before heading back to the white house later today, kevin corke standing by in west palm beach right by the president, ahead of
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the coming week, hey, kevin. >> hey, good to be with you, eric, nice and quiet here, that won't be the case in washington this week, i've got the story and much more coming right up. so when her car got hit, she didn't worry. she simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said... i got this. usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it - easy. she can even pick her payment plan so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa
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i want nutrition made just for me. but i also want great taste. so i drink boost for women. new boost women with key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. all with great taste. new boost women. arthel: president trump facing two deadlines in house impeachment inquiry, the president must decide whether he and his counsel will participate in house judiciary committees impeachment hearing on wednesday, let's go to kevin corke, live in west palm beach with all the details, hey, kevin. >> arthel, nice to see you, you're right, the white house as you well know has been sort of complaining about the moving target deadline that we have seen coming out of the judiciary committee and i think in particular they're frustrated because in their mind these deadlines are simply arbitrary and only meant to expedite the process and democrats can
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impeach the president before christmas and have it all wrapped up to get out of the way for the election and primaries which obviously will heat up after january, let me walk you through the process as we know it from this point forward, we do know that in addition to today on wednesday the committee, we will hear from a number of scholars, they will talk about the legitimacy and the practicality and the constitutalty of the impeach meant process, it should be 4 witnesses in total, one not to support the idea of the process, and on the sixth, the white house will declare intention to take part oncoming judiciary process, same day for republican lawmakers, on december 9th, the chairman nadler will consider the matter, over on capitol hill, arthel, a sharp divide on which the haste the democrats are operating, some speculating that they are trying to wrap this up and race to the clock to
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try to get it all done by christmas. >> they're on a time frame, internally time frame to finish this out by the end of the year because they want to get at the president right now before everybody sees the process sham for the elections of next year. >> no timeline has been set of house democratic leadership and committee, i can tell you that the only thing that speaker pelosi has said and she said it solemn, somber and serious tone is that we will proceed expeditiously. >> somber, serious. a number of considerations in hours and days ahead beginning with the fact that they argue it'll be helpful to have the intel committee report in hand so they can give it a one sobber, that way they can determine material witness who is just might be called during this next phase of the impeachment inquiry and that is just for starters, and i say all of that as just the headline here domestically, also we know
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the president will be making his way to london for upcoming nato summit which is continuing to effect u.s. and domestic foreign policy while abroad while back in washington we will have our handful as impeachment inquiry moves on, arthel. arthel: kevin corke, thank you. eric: fox nation investigation of what happened to jimmy hoffa; glow, we have a one-hour special tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on the fox news channel, it's called the real search for james r. hoffa, fbi consideration new dig based on our investigation. this comes after phil moscatto, hoffa suspect told me his dad admitted to him where jimmy hoffa is buried in new jersey. >> did your say who shot jimmy
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hoffa? >> yes, sir. >> where is jimmy hofffa is buried? >> ly tell -- i will tell you, i'm the only person that knows final location of resting place. eric: frank apola told us it was his father who buried hoffa. >> your father said hoffa couldn't fit -- >> couldn't get the legs to bend right so he had to take him out and put him head first. don't take the wrong way because they had respect for him, but what he said they couldn't fit the fat little man feet first. eric: with that information that we we -- revealed what we should do next? prosecutor in new jersey, you're
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the new jersey guys, are those accounts phil and frank is that enough for law enforcement and prosecutors to start an investigation. >> eric, i've been working with you a little bit on this case and i reviewed the materials you sent, let me put it this way if you had come to my agency when i was head county prosecutor i would have hired you in a flash minute to be at detective because the information that you have unearthed and dan as well has led to two sons of these figures that are basically saying the same thing with regard to where the body was dumped which also corroborates information that the fbi had at the time and i make my biggest note on this on how it would affect me as lead prosecutor and my county if the information came to me, these fathers did this both, if you will, with dead bed con -- concessions, both of them wanted to ensure that the remains of hoffa were sent back to the family, as a
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prosecutor that would be compelling information to me and i would want to be sitting down with these folks because it is too important to american history to teamsters and most importantly the hoffa family that we get resolution of the case and these are tremendous leads, great job, eric sean. eric: well, thank you, exnetter the country, and now we are talk ing about jimmy hoffa's daughter, retired judge, she has files in basement and james p hoffa for all the teamsters' members, as former federal prosecutor we are told that fbi is in touch with newark fbi office, what does it take the feds to come in and have this type of investigation, what should they do? >> it's not really coming in, they've had this investigation open for almost 40 years and so they're going to continue that process, the amount of documentary evidence on the fbi side is going to be massive and
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the question is what do they have that we don't know that's going to corroborate the information that you brought to light, so i expect using this information that you've developed is really going to help fill in some of the holes and help them do the next step which would be finding the body and going from there. eric: alex, is it hearsay, if someone says something, tell me about the evidentiary rules? yeah. >> so everything that you're doing, you don't need to worry so much about what it's going to look like in court, you want to know the answer, investigations have two stages, what's the answer, let's find it, 2, now we know the answer, how can we prove it, it's really difficult to think about what the evidence will be until you know the actual answer, so as investigators they will use all leads, hearsay, speculation to get the answer and then they will start to build the case as to how they present it to a jury. eric: that's a great point, bob, the doj materials say that sally
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was shot after hoffa disappeared. evidentiary rules are different because you're -- what you're trying to do is find the remains and there's sally on your screen right now, they are trying to find remains and not get a conviction. >> the rules of evidence are not going to apply at this stage because it's an investigation and hearsay by the way in investigations is routinely used in grand jury proceedings and search warrants which may become relevant here, the main thing i agree with the house, get to the body and they can properly bury remains and should there be a prosecutable case because the shooter which seems lots of points some to the same person sally is no longer here to prosecute, they want to get the body first and then they'll make the decision as to whether there's any prosecutable cases.
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>> that's the goal, to get the remains back to the hoffa family, to finally get this done and finished. i mean, alex, the two suspects are still alive, chucky o'brian and thomas, mr. o'brien wants files out, his family has told me that, and mr. andreda will not comment, tried repeatedly about him, let's say tom andreda, he knows more about this than anybody, what's stopping the prosecutors from saying with the hoffa's family agreement maybe giving him immunity, what if he comes forward and said, well, i was told this, is this a way to potentially get the truth? >> if you find the body, corroborate the statements, that's what you want to do, build this sort of piece by piece, corroborate death-bed
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confessions, the way this fits into american history to get an answer than to prosecute potential, you know, accessories to the crime and i suspect the fbi would at least consider immunity to get the answer. eric: bob, your view? >> getting the body, remains are very important thing if the family here, if they had to give somebody immunity in order to get them to testify before grand jury and/or to include information in a search warrant to the a dig at the location where it is believed that the body is, that's great, but let's not forget here, the breakthrough that you made in is that these two very important witnesses, the sons of two fathers that are dying basically give them corroborating information that the murder happened in detroit and the body brought back here in new jersey because tony, noted mob figure wanted to have his jersey trophy and even the fbi was making a dig at the moscatto dig site and
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to me when i became prosecutor, if this case came across my desk, i would immediately be contacting law enforcement partners, in this particular case the fbi saying the information is too valuable to not go forward wit, not to mention their willing to cob -- corroborate. eric: one has a sworn affidavit willing to go to authorities, we will hope that law enforcement can work and figure out some way to finally end this horrendous situation for barbara and james hoffa after all these years. you see all the black marks, redaction that is the government has 30 years ago, we have been calling for the files to be released because a lot of the answers are in here, thank you so much. >> thank you.
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eric: you can watch, there's a movie about all of, this you can see the real thing right here, the people and places who say they know what happened to jimmy hoffa, exclusive special tonight in fox news channel, real search for james r.hoffa, 10:00 p.m. eastern, only later on tonight. arthel: i have it recorded, you have done excellent work on this, my friend, congratulations, coming up next, prime minister of iraq amid weekend of demonstration that is became deadly, the latest on the unrest coming up.
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according to iraqi constitution, sala will have 15 days to run the government until prime minister is pint and new cabinet is formed, over the past month 400 people have been killed and thousands injured as antigovernment demonstrations continue, this weekend at least two people were killed as clashes erupted in the city of naja, security forces used live ammunition and teargas and bodies to mosque to grave, there's no god but allah, events, reaction from pope francis where he condemned a harsh response against civilians, the former iraqi prime minister had this to say about the situation. >> we have taken brave and daring decisions at the time to prevent the use of live bullets but regrettably when clashes happen multiple interferences and complications occur. this leads to victims and negative consequences. >> in addition to iraqi security
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forces using lethal ammunition, we've also seen destabilizing actions according to security analysts by iran, experts warning that iranian militias clashing with iraqi tribal groups could further destabilize the current situation in iraq, arthel. >> difficult to see those grown men crying in the streets, trey yngst, thank you so much for the update. eric: back here at home new orleans police searching for possible suspect of shooting that left a dozen injured in french corridor up next we will have an update. ♪ ♪ eep smoking at first and ease into quitting. chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, you'll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix,
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♪ ♪ ♪ arthel: reports today that a person of interest has been detained in connection to the shooting that wounded at least 11 people early this morning in new orleans, kristina coleman has the details, kristina. >> the search is on right now for possible suspects, 11 people recovering from the shooting, including two people in critical condition, one shot in the chest and the other the torso, as for police, officers were actually there in the very block where someone decide today open fire on people, police say they initially thought they were being targeted because the shots were fired so close to them. the shooting what happened around 3:30 early this morning,
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near corner of bourbon and canal street, patrol was beefed up in the area because of football game, one woman reportedly described hearing gunshots and saw people running and scrambling for cvs store for safety, another woman who didn't want face showed on camera describes terrifying moments. >> it scared everybody, it scared the cops, very closely, literally right there. >> a person has been detained but it's unclear whether that person was involve and authorities are not releasing details about the ages and genders of the people injured, police say they have been sending messages to people throughout the week telling them to leave their guns at home and to not drink and drive prior to this weekend's big game but the shooting still happened despite high presence from local state
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and federal law enforcement. >> they were right there when it occurred, they heard the shots, again, they were under the impression that they may have been fired upon because the shots were so close. >> history of violence, in 2016 a shooting after the game happened and killed 1 person and injured 9 others, no word on a motive for last night's shooting, arthel. arthel: kristina, thank you, it's not the game itself, it's a lot of people unfortunately get a lot of people sometimes things happen, that should not happen, though. eric: yeah, in your hometown. arthel: yes. eric: so disturbing, tonight at 10:00 p.m. here on fox news channel, we have been talking about another case that has been haunting this country for years, the real search for james r. hoffa, we bring you new evidence and new claims of what happened and we are doing it to try finally end case for his family and for the nation and we have
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been calling for the release of the fbi files that are still secret, so hopefully we can all get some answers, 10:00 p.m. tonight. arthel: we will be watching, we are back at 4:00 eastern, hope you can join us then . . . and we're the only firm with a satisfaction guarantee. which is why our zero is better. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. the best of pressure cooking and air frying now in one pot, and with tendercrisp technology, you can cook foods that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. the ninja foodi pressure cooker, the pressure cooker that crisps.
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you get a strong repair that you can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: really?! >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. chris: i'm chris wallace. the house judiciary committee takes over the impeachment inquiry. will the white house participate? ♪. >> the failed washington establishment is trying to stop me because i'm fighting for you and because we're winning. chris: as the intelligence committee raps up its work and prepares to issue its report, the judiciary committee must now decide whether to write articles of impeachment. president trump must decide whether to send a lawyer a lawyer to represent him. >> as we continue to gather evidence and the facts from the testimony we'll go where the facts take us. chris: this hour we'll sit down with two members of the judiciary committee. the top


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